Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“I had forgotten to put myself on the list.” -Wynona Judd

If you have read People magazine anytime in the last decade, you know that Wynona Judd has had her fill of trials in her life.  In a recent interview with Oprah, Wynona attributed several of her issues with weight and self-esteem to something very simple yet very important. 
She forgot to put herself on the list.
As Wynona began to think more about herself or what others thought about her, she began to little by little make the necessary changes in her life.  So many times, we think that putting ourselves first is wrong or even sinful, but in reality, to a certain extent, it is critical to remaining healthy and well-balanced.
Women in particular tend to stretch themselves too thin, often putting our needs far down the list from our husbands, children, school, work, neighbors, parents…and anything else that can come before us.  After awhile, the words “burned out” come to mind and we are now in a crisis situation.
In my coaching practice, I see so many women that are in need of life balance and have more and more regret as each day passes that they are not doing with their life what they have dreamed of doing.  Now we all know that life doesn’t work out exactly according to our plans, but we do have more control over it than we think we do.
This week, I challenge you to go back to a previous month in your calendar.  Take out a green pen and circle all of the items in your calendar that are a priority to you.  With a red pen, circle all the items that you did.  Now go back and look at the items that are circled in green and red.  Those circles indicate the amount of time you are living out your priorities.  The items circled in red are those items that you put ahead of your priorities.  Those items circled in green indicate how much time you are spending away from your priorities.
It is a simple but profound exercise to help you begin to “put yourself back on the list.”

Jill Personius

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