Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't RED LINE Your T&D program for 2012. PUHHHHLEASEEE!

2012 is right around the corner and many organizations are preparing their budgets for the coming year.  No matter when your budget year begins and ends please hear my passionate plea:


Great organizations know that their levels of employee performance and satisfaction with their job is not 100% tied to their paycheck.  In fact....many employees report that their paycheck is not top of mind when considering the degree to which they are happy in their job. So what does get factored into deciding if one likes/loves or just tolerates their job and in turn makes them give that ol' 110% or just 10% to their job and organization?

Here is what we know.  We know (the we being that group of academics like myself who love to research and study human behavior) that people who report they LOVE + HEART + GIVE THEIR ALL to their job are those who feel they contribute to the greater good of their organization's mission (and in order for that to happen there needs to actually be a mission that has been communicated by the leadership of the organization).

In order to contribute, employees also report that they want and need HIGH QUALITY training and development opportunities so that they can continue to grow and contribute.  When an organization is willing to invest the time + resources + money toward developing their team it shows up in the organization's success. Ask any organization where T&D are a strong cultural value in the organization how they SEE the difference and they will tell you about changed behaviors, better team experiences, happier customers, and stronger leadership at all levels of the organization.

Measuring the ROI of T&D does not have to be just anecdotal either.  You can measure the ROI with high quality feedback in the form of coaching, surveys and annual performance reviews if you want to quantify the outcomes of your efforts.

Now, take a look at some of the most COMMON T&D Fails that I come across working with clients.
Click Here for the full presentation

*After you view the presentation, please leave a comment on the Bravo CC Slideshare page and follow Bravo CC on Slideshare too.  Get crazy and share on facebook and twitter as well!

Too often, T&D is the first thing to get red lined in the budget.  That is a wrong, wrong, wrong move for any organization to cut out essential training for employees at ALL levels of the organization.

Remember--when your employees feel challenged, a part of the organization's higher mission, and feel like their organization is investing in their professional success they will work harder, faster and better!

Best Wishes for a GREAT 2012 budget!

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