Thursday, December 13, 2012

Behold the Power of THREE!

I did five 360 degree review meetings yesterday with my fantastic leaders on loan group.  One of my LOL's this year recognized early in the program that he struggles with improvising and thinking fast on his feet. Sound familiar? This is a common issue for many of the professionals I work with.  It might just be your issue too.

So "Sam" knew he had a problem.  The question is--what's the solution?  Because here is the reality in today's marketplace:

Life moves fast.
There will be times you must think fast
And your ability to improvise just might
save the client
close the deal
get the contract signed
keep your job.

In our coaching session yesterday, I re-introduced "Sam" to a technique that I coach people who struggle to improvise and think fast to use in those moments where they feel overwhelmed by the prospect of planning, preparing and presenting your ideas in a matter of seconds.  I want to share it with you to.  Here it is: (drum roll please)


Yep.  Three. That's it.  The secret strategy in those moments where you get caught is simply to remember three.  

Here's how it works.  

You are in your department head meeting and out of the clear blue sky your boss says "Can you share with us some updates about the project your team is working on?" Well Yes--give me a week to prepare and put together a 45 slide deck and I will come back and share my updates--you think to yourself.  But it doesn't work that way. Your boss wants the update right now and all eyes are on you. Take a deep breath and think "THREE"  Observe:

"Yes I would be glad to give you some updates about our progress"

"At this point in the project we are looking at THREE important areas to complete in order to tie up the loose ends"


"This project is complex. Let me tell you the THREE most recent developments in this project's life"


"Well as you know, any great project has a clear beginning, middle and end and right now we are in the middle of this project's life.  Here are the three things that we are doing to get to the end of the project"

By inserting structure to your thoughts and ideas, your big ol lizard brain is far more likely to shut the heck up and you can then generate three ideas.   You are a content expert and you know your stuff right?  We use THREE to organize your thoughts and calm your nerves.  

And remember, you don't have to tell them everything you have ever known about everything.  Tell them THREE things and then shut up.  If they want to know more they will ask a question and there is your opportunity to elaborate.  

Practice the Power of THREE and see it's potential for helping you think fast and become a better improviser!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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