Monday, February 21, 2011

Dumbfounded: the things people are still saying in corporate America in 2011

Within minutes of making my acquaintance you will probably pick up on the fact that I am outspoken and don't hesitate to call people out when they are being racist/sexist/homophobic.  And yet, on occasion I have had people say things to me that make my mouth drop open wide because I am truly dumbfounded. I think "are you talkin' to me?"

I have had a client tell me "don't mind her she just has PMS" (Did he miss the fact that I am in fact a woman and might not take kindly to this?)
I have had a business associate use a racial pejorative in front of me to which I replied "oh no you did not just say that"
I have had someone tell me  they would not be friend someone on facebook because they are gay.

When these things are said to me I can't help but look around to make sure that I was not somehow transported back to the 1950's without my knowledge.  But no, everything is in technicolor and it is indeed 2011. How oh how do these attitudes persist?  And why?  What good does it do to continue to use simplifications to characterize one group or the other so that we don't have to squarely face the reality that in fact "they" may be more like us than we realize?

I am not alone in these experiences.  I was shocked and awed recently when a friend told me her organization joked they had reached their necessary quota of female executives (a mere 20% when you do the math).  And it was said in front of a group that included a woman!  Are you kidding me?  

Time to evolve!

I am not calling for us to tighten up and be more politically correct.  Political correctness is just a front, a smokescreen behind which people hide their true mean spirited-ness toward the "other".   I am asking instead that if you are one of those people who are living in a time gone by that you catch up and get with the program.

We are not one dimensional.  My femaleness is one part of me.  Someone's race is just one dimension of them and another person's sexuality is just ONE part of who they are.  We are all multi dimensional.  For goodness sakes, remember that next time you think you are still in the stone ages.  You aren't!

In the end,
BE Kinder
BE Gentler
BE Considerate

Have a great week,

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