As a parent I am continually frustrated that I have to tell my kids "I meant now". I think my directives imply NOW but I am starting to think all they hear is Charlie Brown Phone.
The same can be said for some clients. As a consultant my job is to come in, diagnose the problem and provide a remedy and get on outta there (no I don't try to prolong the job as many consultants are accused of doing!) What is mind numbing is that very rarely does the root source of the problem get fixed and that comes down to an issue of Culture.
The Online community of smart kids is all abuzz about Jay Baer and Amber Nasland's new book "The NOW Revolution" and by now they actually mean right now. Not next week, not later, not in a few years--NOW.
There are a lot of great things about the book but what stood out to me is the most fundamental aspect of the book--you can't "do" social media right if your culture "ain't right" to begin with. Those very basic, cornerstone issues of "this is who we are, this is where we have been, this is where we are going, this is how we are going to get there and this is who is going with us" are often missing from the smallest to the largest of organizations.
Why? Because it takes work to manage your culture (and by manage I mean take care of, nurture, and love-- not manufacture). Baer and Nasland make a compelling case to start with your culture first before you move forward with a social media program. If you don't heed their advice I am certain your efforts will be for naught.
A few years ago I did a survey for a client to ask some temperature gauging questions of their employees. In this nearly 100 employee firm the question "where do you see us in a year?" and "where do you see us in ten years?" resulted in well...100 different answers. Why? Because the vision of the organization was not making it's way down the rank and file. The partners had no intention of opening an office in Singapore but one guy in his cubicle had gum drop visions of opening an office in Singapore so he let his imagination get the best of him. And that is what happens--you have 100 people playing from their own play book because no one "told the story" of who we are throughout the organization.
More importantly, the only people driving this vision were those at the top. This is the makings for a whole different revolution. People at every level of an organization need to have a role in articulating the vision for the organization. People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and because our work lives take up most of our lives it only makes sense that where we work is where would like to make the difference!
As you are looking to expand your bookshelf let me recommend that you make "The NOW Revolution" your next purchase. it if you can. Reading it on your kindle or ipad will prove to be a great experience. There are lots and lots of very cool Microsoft tags throughout and make it more experience than book.
You aren't ready for a social media presence if you can't describe/define/deliver culture. You have to know who you are! The NOW Revolution is already underway. And like anything else it is way cooler to get on board earlier than later. Don't be the guy who is the last one to adopt. Viva la Revolution!
Keep reading and BE Smarter!
So delighted that you found the culture section useful. It's so critical. You can't do social well unless you are in fact a social company. And that can't be dictated from the top alone.
We tried to write an organizational change book that masquerades as a social media book for marketing purposes.
I love your Charlie Brown phone analogy too!
Thanks so much Libby. We're delighted that the most important part of the book - the cultural part - resonated with you!
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